Log View

The log view displays logfiles of specific formats, and lets the user search and filter the contents.

The log view can be opened from the File menu, or by right-clicking root nodes for Apis Hive and Honeystore and selecting Show Log.

By clicking Reload, the log file will be reloaded. The view will not detect changes in the log file unless Reload is clicked.

The list view can be searched by entering the search criteria in the Search text box and clicking the Search button. The matching rows will be highlighted with color set in the Highlight combobox.

Multiple searches can be done by assigning different colors to each search. The Previous and Next buttons will make the list jump to the previous/next Highlighted row.

By clicking a row the details of the log event will be shown in the detailed message view.


The filters are located in the header of the list. There are filters for Time, Level, Source Thread, Message and File, and the filters are ANDed.

Except for the Time filter, the filters can be either equal or not equal by clicking the ==/!= button next to the filter.

The time filter has a start time and and end time, and all the messages displayed will be between those times.